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A member registered Mar 06, 2020

Recent community posts

will you spearhead another project like this in the future?

I want to read more. Any plans for a patreon?

I've been reading the game for the past few days and I must admit, this is probably the most aesthetically pleasing vn I've read.

Hoping Logan gets a route too.

never played the game so pardon my ignorance.

Is Adrian dateable

(1 edit)

When I pick the correct killer, I always got the dead end. Why is that

This is the beginning of a legend Grunt! I hope you'll see this passion project of yours through.

I wouldn't suspect it except for the name of the town. It's nice to know.

By any chance, are you a Filipino?

Hey, I really like the flow of the story. Art direction is solid too. I really want to see what happens next so I want to support you. You will be getting another patron this June. 

ok, now I'm in love with this vn. Watch out for your new supporter this month!

hello. how do you go to xer's hideout